Mar 29, 2200 UTC, Mellish Reef. We are up and running although the antenna still needs radials. So far we have operated without radials, but it appears that we need some at low tide, as the tidal range is almost 2 meters here. Will install radials today. We also will build a 160/80 RX ANT as the TS noise is high. So far we have only operated at nights -- and therefore on the low bands -- as we had to work on the station during the day. From today onwards we will be active on the higher bands. RTTY in a few days time. At this time we are trying to get as many QSO-s as possible, as our presence here is tenuous due to the always present threat of cyclones (hurricanes). 160 m Report: Despite weak signals from NA and EU last night we put a good number of stations into the log (see log-search). JA signals were strong with a dense pile up. Apologies to the JA stations who got squeezed-in between our TX FRQ at 1823.5 and their upper band limit of 1825, but this method allows us to work NA while still working JA during the NA propagation lulls. Given the fact that band from here is open to JA almost all night, while the NA window is narrow, we believe that this is not unfair.
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